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Ora-ïto na­t­u­ral­ly imagined other mo­d­ules to join to the ini­tial pro­ject. A cont­i­nu­i­ty of the imag­i­na­tion al­low­ing to mul­ti­p­ly ac­tions and give another re­flec­tion to « Evo­mo­bil ». He has cre­at­ed « UFO » which is in­spired by an icon­ic car from Cit­roën.

The DS mod­el com­mon­ly used by the presi­dent is now en­rolled in­to the « ge­net­ic trans­for­ma­tions » from Ora ïto’s artis­tic vi­sion. The ve­hi­cle is based on the fu­ture of tran­s­ports mixed with one of the most fa­mous cars in the world.

The UFO sculp­ture al­lies the dream to the for­mal, the fu­ture to the tech­nol­o­gy. The idea to work with sev­er­al en­ti­ties al­lows all of the « ge­net­ic trans­for­ma­tions » to spread a uni­ver­sal mes­sage to the car in­dus­try, through artis­tic vi­sion and new di­rec­tions nev­er in­vesti­gat­ed be­fore.